Is it time to go rogue? 

You’ve paid your dues and have real authority and influence in your field.

But, why does it feel like you go to a prison every day?

The job that was once a perfect fit and gave you a sense of accomplishment, no longer serves you.  You’re feeling called to do something completely different, to make a difference, but it seems like you’re trapped.

Your career doesn’t have to feel like a life sentence. And, you’re not too old to escape that corporate job and do something more meaningful.

It’s time to explore, go over the wall, and get excited about life again!

10 insightful questions to guide you to become your own boss!

Featured Blog

The Stranger in the Mirror

In most of the world’s cultures, the oldest residents are the most respected; they are recognized as the wisest and their knowledge is valued.

Be Unapologetically You!

Some of us long to be a rock star, dancer, writer or (insert so-called “crazy” idea here) but would never think of voicing our dreams out loud, let alone taking the leap. 

Not Too Old

Why is it that when women reach a certain age, they feel that all their life experiences, knowledge and life lessons are suddenly considered null and void?

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Helping midlife women escape corporate to create their own business with purpose